Monday, July 28, 2008

Historic Trip

Historic Trip, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

Times have changed.
The world appears ready to recognize the U-S as a multiracial society.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Northern Lights

Northern Lights, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

I have to wonder how much money they spent confirming what ordinary seamen have understood for centuries.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Awareness of Self: Two

Awareness of Self: Two, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

Saturday afternoon matinees....

a great way to beat the heat.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Feeting or Eating

Feeting or Eating, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

Recession you say?

Tough it out.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Bud's Gone

Bud's Gone, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

I'm not sure worldwide brands are always progress.

A Loving Life and Death

A Loving Life and Death, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

As we become a more homogeneous world, bigotry justified upon race, ethnicity, gender preference or infirmity becomes less and less valid.

Hatred is a vice grounded in ignorance.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saving Millions Every Year

Saving Millions Every Year, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

While much has been said about the death of the fine journalist, Tony Snow this weekend here in the USA.

It is a modern world that will mourn the loss of a great man who gave his intellect, his energy, and his spirit to saving lives and restoring health.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Believe It -- Or Not!

I Don't Believe It, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

As we get further into the campaign season, I thought this was worth resurrecting. It is Time Magazine's Earth day edition cover.

I bring it back here because imagery will play a critical role in shaping public opinion in the months ahead.

My question is, will editors of the so-called impartial and objective media outlets look deeply enough into how imagery is used BEFORE they publish, broadcast or otherwise convey their products?

What is cute to some may be more thanthought provoking to others. If the message appears skewed, could that not be a legitimate perspective?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This Cost Too Much

Maximum Purchase, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

When you can't go to the service station and 'fill 'er up' even when the cash is availa.le, maybe, just maybe the problems are getting huge,


Healthy Choices, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

You can change your life
you can change your luck
the challenge is to stay
in the game and keep
sluggin til the final buzzer

Fuel Price Fixation

Fuel Price Fixation, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

The prices are rising...
We are not going to get
over it.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Healthy Choices

Healthy Choices, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

You can change your luck.
You just have to be motivated.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Race is On-- And It Ain't About Morality

Character is an old saw.
It is used repeatedly as justification
for what amount to subjective
positions that justify support.

This year, I search for ideas
I look for leadership
I hope for success

We cannot follow the most
principled leader into ruin.

The Race is On

The Race is On, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

This election is about the future