This is a big week. I am a spectator.
Life is good.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
It Pays to Go to School
Back in the day, we went to school and did our best because it was expected. We knew that a failure to learn was not gonna offer us many options for the future.
I have to wonder whether this approach is sustainable, and if it is, will it turn out better, more successful people?
What happens when the recipients of the benefits of this great experiment encounter learning for learning's sake, or worse education they have to pay for and successfully complete to reap any true benefits at all?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lioness of Lake Erie
I first met Stephanie Tubbs at a house party when I was maybe 14 or 15. She was a few years older....
We were never good friends, but I always appreciated the way she represented the neighborhoods where I grew up and the people I care about who never left.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Kwame 1- Detroit Council 0
Kwame Kirkpatrick is mayor of Detroit. He has run into legal problems. He has lawyers, some of whom are probably very very good.
He is not the first elected official to be accused of criminal activity.
He is not the last elected official who will be accused of poor judgment and imperial behavior.
He has a constiuency. Some of his people are probably ready to dig in their heals and defend his reputation to the world.
His critics, likely will want this tgo be over quickly.
I have seen similar situations drag on and on.... I expect the latter.
No ego in the public eye will pull a Richard Nixon and ride off into the sunset forever... come to think of it, Richard Nixon never rode off into the sunset forever...
Her just hung around baseball games until someone was willing to say, 'hey you did what you did, but you still made a difference.'
Sunday, August 10, 2008
They say this man Ike was a Bad Mutha...
He was a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer,
A Grammy and an Oscar winner and a
darned nice guy... Ike will be missed.
Silenced Laughter
He worked in a world where if a big man like that isn't playing sports, he's considered intimidating and threatening. I'm not sure if it was Eddie Murphy or Chris Rock I once heard in an interview talking about learning to be funny to survive in their neighborhood as a little guy. Bernie learned to make people laugh because smiles and laughter defuse tension and save a big man from having to be really scary. In the process he also learned to act. Great skills for someone who looked like they might beat you down.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Unsolved Mysteries
This guy was a career DOD scientist, decorated for his service to the nation.... Not clear how this could happen....
I'm open for ideas?