Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Jury Has Spoken

The Jury Has Spoken, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

The case will likely be appealed but it will not get the headlines cases dealing with Simpson have gotten in the past....

His football career, his acting career, his Brentwood lifestyle and all that went with them are so long ago...

The world has tired of O-J Simpson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, I am so (GOSHDARNED) sick and tired of this jackass Uncle Tom has-been of an athlete. How come he couldn't just bow out gracefully like all the other greats before and after him? I used to look up to him growing up (sadly for me, my early childhood began after he retired from the NFL) doing NFL commentaries and Hertz commercials. And he left a perfectly good wife (his HS or college sweetheart) for a younger woman-and he was doing well with wife#1 in my opinion.

His life would've taken a much smoother ride had he done things differently. That's what fame and fortune will do to anyone if they're not careful with their success. OJ was a victim of his success. I believe that this is his last ride and it had come to a COMPLETE stop!