Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Nation Moves On

The Nation Moves On, originally uploaded by DeHoll.

Lame duck has such a good ring to it, doesn't it?

I guess we've all known underachievers from time to time. Fortunately, most know their limitations and that minimizes the blow-back from
their failed efforts.

This time though, the American people invested in the whims of a man who sought the presidency, and the results are only now beginning to become clear.

This guy won the power, not because he was intellectually prepared, but because he was socially connected. Prescott Bush was effective. George H. W. Bush was intelligent and honorable. This guy, well...

The nation is broke, the military, mired, and the world... not exactly safer than it was before his time. How do you measure success? How does he?

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